A very happy 2016! Did you have a good start into the new year? We are all kinds of delighted and honored to start this year with Louise Bawtree’s recent review of Mama Agatha. Louise is Associate Producer at Quandary Productions and saw the film at Aesthetica Film Festival in York a few weeks ago:
What is most striking about the film, besides it being beautifully shot and full to the brim with life, is the character of Mama Agatha herself. Her vulnerability and pain, hidden behind her selfless actions. A woman who has dedicated her life to community, seeking no reward. We get used to documentary being about politics, handled like a thriller and usually about revealing secrets, even simply about passing on information, we sometimes forget that they can be more profound by focussing on the everyday. This was one of the best short films I saw this year and I encourage all to check it out.
We also encourage you to check out Mama Agatha if you get a chance at a film festival or cycling event near you, or suggest to your local cycling organization to get in touch with us about organizing a screening. Read the full review here.