08 Mar

Happy International Women’s Day: Mama Agatha full documentary now available online

Dear friends, partners and supporters,

Four years ago, on International Women’s Day 2015, still as a not quite finished film, «Mama Agatha» was shown for the first time to an audience during a pre-premiere event at Paradiso cultural center in Amsterdam. Since then, it has been screened hundreds of times all around the world and continues to inspire people to take up cycling. Today, commemorating International Women’s Day, we are very excited to announce that the full documentary «Mama Agatha» is now freely available for everyone to watch online.

Hearing the positive responses the film has received is a fantastic feeling and we’d like to express our gratitude to all those who have made this incredible journey possible: Agartha Frimpong, her team and all of the women who participated in the documentary, our awesome film crew, our advisors Carmen Hogenelst, Angela van der Kloof and Marjolein Lange, the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts and the Netherlands Film Fund, the many film festivals who have selected our documentary for their programs, all the Netherlands Embassies that we had the pleasure to work with, the cycling organizations that tirelessly work towards a world with sustainable and equitable mobility, the scholars and universities who found academic value in the film, and all of the many other people who have supported it in various ways over the years. Thank you!

Please help us spread the word and make sure as many people see the benefits and positive effects cycling can have. Share the documentary with your family, friends and colleagues. Know someone who likes cycling? Or documentaries? Send them the link! Post it on your social media, tweet it, forward it to your WhatsApp groups! And ask people to share it with their own contacts, too. Here’s the link: https://youtu.be/SzdyTnO39fw


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