30 Jul

5 International and Dutch screenings upcoming!

flickersWow, what a way to kick off the summer! After winning a beautiful Audience Award at the incredible Leiden Short Film Experience, we are ready for the international premiere of Mama Agatha next week at Flickers: Rhode Island International Film Festival, followed by showings at Cambridge Film Festival in September.

Our Dutch fans will have a chance to see the film a full three times in August: On August 7 at the closing ceremony of University of Amsterdam’s  Summer School Planning the Cycling City in the stunning City Council Meeting Hall, and at the end of August in Arnhem and Utrecht during Pluk de Nacht open air film festival.

Interested in seeing Mama Agatha at a location near you? We’re constantly working on showing the film in as many places as possible. You can help by asking your local film festival or cinema to include the film in their program or get in touch yourself to organize a screening.

03 May

Mama Agatha wins Audience Award in Leiden

11127482_964607520249973_1322954147237326115_nMama Agatha just won an Audience Award at its premiere at Leiden International Short Film Experience!
Participating in the festival has truly been an «experience» beyond words. We consider ourselves lucky to officially kick off the screenings of Mama Agatha at an event with such a fantastic vibe, in a stunning space, in a gorgeous city! Receiving the Audience Award is the cherry on top for which we thank every audience member, the LISFE organizers and the guest speakers at the panel on migration. Needless to say, our thanks also go to the funds, sponsors and most importantly, all the people that made this short documentary possible.


Director Fadi Hindash receiving Audience Award in Leiden, Netherlands

10 Nov

Special Bonus: Excerpt from the soundtrack to Mama Agatha

This time, we have a very special release: For the last few weeks, we have been working hard on the original soundtrack for Mama Agatha, and we are very proud to unveil a beautiful excerpt composed by the incredibly talented Niko Hafkenscheid.

Do you like the music? What kind of film does it make you expect? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to subscribe on YouTube to get all the exclusive content about the short documentary Mama Agatha.

23 Aug

Filming complete!

001__0389_01.MP4.Still001We are incredibly happy to announce that filming on Mama Agatha is complete! Yesterday, we filmed the colorful graduation ceremony during which Mama Agatha’s students received diplomas and brand new bicycles. After 12 weeks, all women in the course are able to cycle on the streets of Amsterdam without support.

While Mama Agatha’s students are finished, we are only getting started!
An intense period of sorting the beautiful footage and building an engaging story awaits us. Don’t forget that we are still looking for support to edit Mama Agatha – you can help by subscribing on YouTube and inviting your friends to like our Facebook page!

The team of Mama Agatha is looking forward to more updates about the project and we wish to thank the innumerable people and organizations without whom it would not be possible – among them our fantastic crew, the incredible teams at Kansrijk Zuidoost, CEC Zuidoost and Mobycon, the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts, our media partner The Bike in My Life, all the women in the cycling course for their patience with our filming and most of all “Mama Agatha” Agartha Frimpong and her tireless team.

21 Jul

Another fantastic article on Zeronaut.be

Zeronaut.be is a Brussels-based web portal dedicated to the sustainable revolution. We are super honored that Mama Agatha served as an inspiration for this fantastic article about cycling policies in Brussels by journalist Floris Van Cauwelaert. If you read Dutch, go ahead and check out Zeronaut.be. Their articles on cycling and sustainability are top-notch!

19 Jul

A day with Mama Agatha

Mama Agatha from Amsterdam cycling course documentary at Home Speaking about her childhood in Ghana 2

Amsterdam bicycle documentary Mama Agatha - with friend in fabric shopYesterday, we had a beautiful peek into Mama Agatha’s daily life. She let us into her home to speak about the painful childhood she overcame to become the empowering bicycle trainer she is now. While walking around Amsterdam with her, she introduced us to many of the friends in her community. We got some beautiful footage, such as in the Ghanaian fabric store in Amsterdam Southeast. Stay tuned for more updates and stills!