30 Mar

Screening in beautiful Ålesund, Norway

13063109_1118995071486799_6745297273698793467_oFollowing our screening in Stockholm, Sweden in 2015 and in Oslo, Norway in January, Mama Agatha will conclude our big 2016 screening tour in Scandinavia and welcome spring with what will be our northernmost screening so far: It is a pleasure to announce our second showing in Norway, where Foundation Kulturkvartalet will be presenting the film during a bicycle-themed weekend at the Jugendstilsenteret and art museum Kube on April 23, 2016 in the magical, stunning fjord city of Ålesund. Visit the Jugendstilsenteret website for more information on the event.

14 Feb

Mama Agatha in Lille and Lanzarote

logo-FCE-final[1]Hello friends! Some more fantastic news – right after wrapping up the unforgettable 31st Santa Barbara International Film Festival, Mama Agatha is returning back to Europe with two upcoming festival screenings – in competition at the 31st European Film Festival in gorgeous Lille, France (March 11-18) and the equally marvelous Atlantic setting of the 16th Lanzarote International Film Festival (April 4-16)! Make sure to keep these two in your calendar if you’re in the area or have friends who are around.

13 Jan

Selected for Santa Barbara International Film Festival

2410f42c-44ac-41ca-9044-8c6f7c5fd37bWe have some more news to kick off another year of mobility and documentary cinema, and this one is a biggie: Mama Agatha is making an entry to the U.S. West Coast with a screening at the very prestigious, Academy Award-nominating 31st Santa Barbara International Film Festival. From Wednesday, February 3 until Saturday, February 13, 2016, you’ll have a chance to see a selection of the best and most groundbreaking work in current cinema, participate in community events and educational programs for all ages and meet celebrities really close to the epicenter of world filmmaking: Hollywood!
If you are nearby next month, make sure to take some time to catch a screening of Mama Agatha and other fantastic movies, or recommend it to your friends in the area!

11 Jan

Upcoming screening in Oslo

Another event we are super excited about is the Bike Film Night at Cinemateket theatre in Oslo, Norway on Wednesday, 20 January! Mama Agatha is one of the highlights of this evening hosted by FutureBuilt and Klimafestivalen which brings together film and cycling. Following a recent screening in Sweden, we are very excited to see the responses to our short film in Scandinavia! See the Facebook event (with a description in Norwegian) here.

30 Jul

5 International and Dutch screenings upcoming!

flickersWow, what a way to kick off the summer! After winning a beautiful Audience Award at the incredible Leiden Short Film Experience, we are ready for the international premiere of Mama Agatha next week at Flickers: Rhode Island International Film Festival, followed by showings at Cambridge Film Festival in September.

Our Dutch fans will have a chance to see the film a full three times in August: On August 7 at the closing ceremony of University of Amsterdam’s  Summer School Planning the Cycling City in the stunning City Council Meeting Hall, and at the end of August in Arnhem and Utrecht during Pluk de Nacht open air film festival.

Interested in seeing Mama Agatha at a location near you? We’re constantly working on showing the film in as many places as possible. You can help by asking your local film festival or cinema to include the film in their program or get in touch yourself to organize a screening.

03 May

Mama Agatha wins Audience Award in Leiden

11127482_964607520249973_1322954147237326115_nMama Agatha just won an Audience Award at its premiere at Leiden International Short Film Experience!
Participating in the festival has truly been an «experience» beyond words. We consider ourselves lucky to officially kick off the screenings of Mama Agatha at an event with such a fantastic vibe, in a stunning space, in a gorgeous city! Receiving the Audience Award is the cherry on top for which we thank every audience member, the LISFE organizers and the guest speakers at the panel on migration. Needless to say, our thanks also go to the funds, sponsors and most importantly, all the people that made this short documentary possible.


Director Fadi Hindash receiving Audience Award in Leiden, Netherlands